Section: Dissemination


The POLARIS team is actively involved in various scientific popularization activities. In addition to participating in the Fête de la Science (Guillaume Huard, Florence Perronnin, Jean-Marc Vincent), the POLARIS team also participates in the organization of the “Conference Inria”. Jean-Marc Vincent has also organized (and/or participated in) several training courses for computer science teachers (at a high school level) and has supervised several MathC2+ trainees.

  • Vincent Danjean and Florence Perronnin have participated to the “fête de la Science” on the unplugged computer science stand. Florence Perronnin was involved in the meeting days between industry and education, organized by the “Maison pour la Science”.

  • E. Veronica Belmega: "Introduction à la theorie des jeux et ses applications en communications", invited talk, Lycee Chrestien de Troyes, France, Nov. 2017.